30. september 2024

Mastitis meeting in Norway

September 23rd and 24th, 2024, Svenja Woudstra, Nadja Alsted and Line Svennesen attended the 6th Seminar on Nordic Mastitis Research 2024. The topic was bacteriological diagnostics of mastitis, and also ongoing mastitis research projects were presented.

Line Svennesen, Nadja Alsted og Svenja Woudstra

Nadja Alsted presented the preliminary results of her PhD project about selective dry cow therapy, Svenja presented results of a study on Trueperella pyogenes, and in Line Svennesen’s presentation the treatment of severe clinical mastitis was discussed.

At the moment there are huge differences between the countries in e.g. surveillance of Streptococcus agalactiae, diagnostic tests used and type of milk samples collected. Thoughts were shared about future collaboration between the Nordic countries on mastitis diagnostics.

Line Svennesen joined the organizing committee for the next meeting and thereby replaces Volker Krömker as the representative of Denmark.

The NKJ (Nordic Joint Committee for Agricultural and Food Research) mastitis network was established in Copenhagen at the European mastitis researchers meeting in 2017. The network meetings are funded by the NKJ networking funds. A long-term goal of the collaboration is to support and enhance competitiveness and profitability of Nordic dairy production through science-based knowledge and advice to the dairy sector. (https://www.helsinki.fi/en/researchgroups/ruminant-health/nkj-mastitis-network)
