Abstracts 2018
Session 1 Improving sustainability of cattle production through feeding and genetics
- Lene Lange - Improving sustainability of cattle production - Presentation
- Mette Olaf Nielsen - Seaweed: future use as feed and to inhibit enteric methane emission - Presentation
- Hanne Hansen - A rapid screening technique for effects on microbial degradation of feed additives - Presentation
- Einar Vargas Bello Perez - Effect of dietary lipids in dairy cow diets: A nutrigenomic approach - Presentation
- Poul Hyttel - EliteOva - toward reductions in methane emissions and improved feed efficiency through genomic selection of embryos in Danish cattle breeding - Presentation
Session 2 Animal Welfare Session
- Kirstin Dahl-Pedersen - Lame cows and fitness for transport – do farmers, livestock drivers and veterinarians agree?
- Henrik Elvang - Forensic pathology of cattle cases
- Jørgen Steen Agerholm - How often and why are pregnant cows delivered for slaughter?
Session 3 Animal and Human Health Session
- Søren Saxmose Nielsen - EU Animal Health Law Listing and categorisation of diseases - Presentation
- Egle Kurdikiene - Antimicrobial resistance in bacterial isolates from endometritis in cow and pneumonia in calves in Denmark
- Arshney Moodley - Microbiome in lavage from calves with pneumonia - Presentation
- Thomas Thymann - Applications of bovine colostrum and milk in infant nutrition - Presentation
Session 4 Udder Health Session
- Michael Farre - Danish Udder Heath Centre – merging people and knowledge - Presentation
- Line Svennesen - Results from an expert analysis on different intrammary infection patterns - Presentation
- Carsten Kirkeby - Differential cell counts - promising results from the EMCo-MAST project
- Maja Katrin Gussmann - Evaluation of intervention strategies for subclinical and clinical mastitis